Deep S Shah
MBBS, MS (Pharmaco-Epi)

About Deep Shah is a committed medical professional dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and healing. Armed with an MBBS from North Gujarat University in India and certified as a
About Deep Shah is a committed medical professional dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and healing. Armed with an MBBS from North Gujarat University in India and certified as a
About Lydia Yejin Lee is Post-Doctoral Fellow at Rutgers Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (HOPE) and GSK. Her work focuses on respiratory, vaccines, infectious disease, immunology, and oncology related HEOR research. Additionally,
About Daniel Lam is a medical student at Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School working under the guidance of Dr. Daniel B. Horton. He previously earned a B.S. in Neurobiology,
About Jimmy Gonzalez is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administration, working under the guidance of Dr. Chintan Dave, with varied research interests and direct patient care responsibilities
About Tania Atanassova is a medical student at Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School working under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Horton. She previously earned a BA in Genetics from
About Joanna Madej is a medical student at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School working under the guidance of Dr. Daniel B. Horton. She earned a B.A. in biology and chemistry
Joshua Gilman is a resident physician at Boston University/Boston Medical Center in Boston, MA. He graduated with a medical degree from Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in 2019 and
About Matt Beier is a medical student at Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School working under the guidance of Dr. Daniel Horton. He previously earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering
About Daniel Dudman (Butler University, 2019) is a post-doctoral fellow in Quantitative Safety & Epidemiology at the Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowships and Novartis. Daniel has a background in
About Mackenzie Henderson (PharmD, Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, 2019; MS, Rutgers School of Public Health, 2023) is the associate director in pharmacoepidemiology at Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. At Rutgers,