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Tobias Gerhard, BSPharm, PhD, FISPE


About Tobias Gerhard is a pharmacoepidemiologist and the Founding Director of the Rutgers Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science (PETS). He also serves as Director of the Institute for Health,

Greta Bushnell, PhD, MSPH

Assistant Professor

About Greta Bushnell is a pharmacoepidemiologist focused on studying the use, effectiveness, and safety of pharmaceuticals prescribed to treat mental illnesses in young people. Dr. Bushnell joined Rutgers in 2020,

Stephen Crystal, PhD

Distinguished Research Professor

About Dr. Crystal is Board of Governors Professor of Health  Services Research at Rutgers University, where he directs the Center for Health Services Research. He is recognized nationally for his rigorous

Chintan Dave, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Epidemiology, Assistant Director - Rutgers Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science, Academic Director - Rutgers Center for Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics

About Chintan Dave, a pharmacoepidemiologist and health economist, joined PETS and Ernest Mario College of Pharmacy in 2019 as an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy. He received his pharmacy degree from

Daniel B. Horton, MD, MSCE, FISPE

Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology

About Daniel Horton is a pediatric rheumatologist and pharmacoepidemiologist who performs clinical, translational, and health services research. He started at Rutgers in 2016 as an Assistant Professor and Chancellor’s Scholar

Sandra Lopez Leon, MD, PhD

Adjunct Faculty

About Sandra Lopez-Leon is a genetic pharmacoepidemiologist focused on studying the safety of new neuropsychiatric medications at all stages of drug development. She graduated from the Erasmus University Medical Center

Yola Moride PhD, FISPE

Research Professor

About  Yola Moride, a pharmacoepidemiologist, joined PETS on a part-time basis in 2017 as a Research Professor. She received her Ph.D. in Pharmacoepidemiology from McGill University (1994) and post-doctoral training

Mary Beth Ritchey, PhD

Associate Research Professor

About Mary Beth Ritchey is a part-time Associate Research Professor at PETS where she conducts pharmacoepidemiology research, teaches, and mentors students/fellows in pharmacoepidemiology methodology. Outside of PETS, she is the

Christopher G. Rowan, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor

About Christopher G. Rowan PhD (Chris) is the Founder and Principal Investigator of Veritas Research Foundation (501(c)(3)) and Adjunct Associate Professor at Rutgers University Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Sciences

Jason Roy, PhD

Professor & Chair

About Jason Roy is a Professor of Biostatistics and Chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. He is director of Rutgers University Biostatics and Epidemiology Services (RUBIES) and co-director