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Recap: PETS at ICPE 2022

Faculty and staff from the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science attended the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology’s annual conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in August 2022. ISPE is an international organization … Read More

Elizabeth A. Suarez, PhD, MPH

Elizabeth Suarez is a pharmacoepidemiologist focused on studying the use and safety of medications in pregnancy. She received her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel … Read More

PETS at ICPE 2022

The Rutgers Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Sciences (PETS) facilitates and performs innovative, multidisciplinary science related to the use and outcomes of therapeutics and diagnostics in large populations. The mission of the … Read More

Welcome Monica D’Arcy

Date May 26, 2022 Media Contact Nicole Swenarton | 732-284-6326 | The Rutgers Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science extends a warm welcome to Monica D’Arcy, MS, PhD, new Core … Read More

Chintan Dave, PharmD, PhD

About Chintan Dave, a pharmacoepidemiologist and health economist, joined PETS and Ernest Mario College of Pharmacy in 2019 as an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy. He received his pharmacy degree from … Read More

Daniel B. Horton, MD, MSCE, FISPE

About Daniel Horton is a pediatric rheumatologist and pharmacoepidemiologist who performs clinical, translational, and health services research. He started at Rutgers in 2016 as an Assistant Professor and Chancellor’s Scholar … Read More

Mary Beth Ritchey, PhD

About Mary Beth Ritchey is a part-time Associate Research Professor at PETS where she conducts pharmacoepidemiology research, teaches, and mentors students/fellows in pharmacoepidemiology methodology. Outside of PETS, she is the … Read More