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Daniel B. Horton, MD, MSCE, FISPE

About Daniel Horton is a pediatric rheumatologist and pharmacoepidemiologist who performs clinical, translational, and health services research. He started at Rutgers in 2016 as an Assistant Professor and Chancellor’s Scholar … Read More

Yola Moride PhD, FISPE

About  Yola Moride, a pharmacoepidemiologist, joined PETS on a part-time basis in 2017 as a Research Professor. She received her Ph.D. in Pharmacoepidemiology from McGill University (1994) and post-doctoral training … Read More

Mary Beth Ritchey, PhD

About Mary Beth Ritchey is a part-time Associate Research Professor at PETS where she conducts pharmacoepidemiology research, teaches, and mentors students/fellows in pharmacoepidemiology methodology. Outside of PETS, she is the … Read More

Hillary Samples, PhD, MHS

About Hillary Samples works with large health care databases and national data for studies examining patterns of drug use and behavioral health treatment, the association with health outcomes, and the … Read More

Soko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH

About Soko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH is a cardiologist by training, board-certified internist, and epidemiologist, is Professor of Medicine, Director of Clinical Research Education, Director of Clinician Researcher Track, Medicine Residency … Read More

Brian L. Strom, M.D., M.P.H.

About Brian Strom is currently serving as an Inaugural Chancellor at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences. He also holds the position of Executive Vice President for Health Affairs at Rutgers … Read More